Just buying a ticket is not the part of registering for the event. Remember to register too, so we can match you up with our roster and make sure you and your date have gifts and nametags and all that fun stuff Don't have a date but don't wanna miss the fun either?
Can't make it, but still want to donate?
Appetizers will be provided; however, drinks are not included. A cash bar will be available with a variety of non-alcoholic and adult beverages.
We'll be providing entertainment, dessert goodies, a photo booth, and memento takeaways ... you just bring yourself. Proceeds from event will be donated to AHS Project Grad and to the Amphi Foundation for designation to directly benefit current and future students of Amphitheater High School. A map to the event location as well as details of the event program are detailed elsewhere on our site. ** Please note that the reunion committee does not currently have a separate bank account of its own for receiving payments. Accordingly, and until such time as the committee earns enough money to do so, your payments will be made securely, via PayPal, to committee chair, Audrey Saxton. |